The Process has Been Long and Exhausting
- I have prepared at least a 50 page syllabus for teaching pastors and church leaders.
- Packing has been a very demanding process. How do you prepare to live on the road for about 80 days?
- Once you figure out how much of many things you think you will need, then it has to be packed and weighed into 50 pound bags.
- How are bills to be paid and mundane things like that?
- How much money will I need and how is the safest way to carry it as it has to be in cash (one hundred dollar bill no older than 2006).
- How much food should I take and how is it to be packed? (Cliff Bars, dried meat and military Meals Ready to Eat are on my list)?
- I travel to three banks to take care of financial arrangements, the money can have no marks, tears or signs of aging or a hundred dollar bill may be discounted up to 30%.
- Then off to Elk Grove so I can spend the night with dear friends and be closer to the Sacramento Air Port.
- Up at 3:20 am, showered shaved, re-packed because more items are given to me to take to the DRC.
- About 4:00 am we head out to the car and I discover that I do not have my cell phone. It is found and off we go.
- I have over 200 pounds of luggage for The Congo, most of it is to left there for the mission: (
- I would never have been able to escort all my baggage without help from my friends. Getting baggage checked in and clearing security leaves me both stressed and exhausted.
- On the plane I am seated across the aisle from a Catholic Priest--not a Father, but a Mother--note that I did not say a Roman Catholic Priest. She came from a liberal Catholic group
- I had the most delightful time visiting with her, she attends a Methodist Church and works in a hospital as a Chaplain.
- Flew into Chicago and was delayed about an hour--my connecting flight to DC was late.
- Ann and Hannah met me at Dulles Air Port--my how Hannah grown since I last saw her. Delightful granddaughter.
- To tired to accomplish anything this morning.
- I am in much better shape this afternoon
- Terry is busy this evening
- Ann took Hannah and me to a Viet-Namese restaurant this evening.
- I had to much good food--feel like just going to bed and sleeping.