Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In 2006, I had a prostate-ectomy.  Following that I had a minor surgery to correct some problems related to the removal of the prostate.  The second surgery corrected the problem, but I was warned that it might have to be repeated in as short of time as two years.    

Not to long ago, I began to experience some minor problems and assumed that the second surgery was in need of being done again.  At the same time I was completing my inoculations for my trip to the DRC.  So I was  combining my trips to the doctor at the Veterans Administration as much as possible as I have to drive 90 minutes to get there.     
                                                                                                                                                   My Urology doctor had prescribed a mild tranquilizer for what he called a spastic bladder.    On Tuesday I got my last two shots, dropped into Urology to see about making an appointment with my doctor because a side effect of the tranquilizers was acid ingestion.   I assumed that the doctor would want to try another prescription.  The Urology Department scheduled me to see a doctor on Wednesday. 

The Urologist examined all of my past records and told me very firmly that I have a renewal of cancer in my body. He was very firm about this and told me that I would need radiation in the area where the prostate had been.  Since then I have talked to a social worker and the hospital at Travis Air Force Base where the radiation will be done. I have an appointment at Travis on the 26th of this month to talk to the doctor and gather information.  Assuming that everything goes as planned then I will have another appointment at this time and  the doctor will mark the area to be radiated.  

Following the second appointment I will be reporting to Travis and staying in a motel on the base for six to eight weeks Monday through Friday. I will be in the hospital for one hour each of the five days. I will be free to leave the base on weekends.  One of the questions which I needed answered is: will the radiation affect my ability to travel to the DRC? At each point I have told every medical professional that I am planning on traveling on the 15th of August to be gone for 60 days.  They have all assured me that this will be no problem. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)
 Rejoice always,
 pray without ceasing,
 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.